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Welcome to I Teach Preschool. I have created this site to collect and share the wonderful early childhood educational resources available on the web!

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I do my best to link to as many sites as possible and keep this site organized and useful for early childhood educators.

When visiting sites I have listed, please make sure you check the copyright policies for downloads and printed material.

Some sites specifically state the items available are for personal or home use and some also include classroom use.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Guess How Many

With our 4 year old class we are doing a daily "guess how many jar". We record each student's guess on the board, but don't make a big deal about who "wins" or whose guess is close.

So far I have been filling the jar each day and then having the students take turns guessing how many of something (Cookies, gummy bears, etc) are in the jar. Starting this week we will be taking turns sending this plastic jar home with students and asking them to fill the jar with and item of their choice and return it so we can guess how many of that item they put in the jar!

I found this plastic jar over the summer at Hobby Lobby. I like this particular because it is plastic and has a large mouth to fit bigger objects.

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